Conference with impact -The true essence of successful events
- MICE news
And preferably at large events that remain in the memory for a long time, impart knowledge and awaken many good memories. From our wealth of experience, we have filtered out a few ideas here on how an event, a conference, a congress or, in short, an event can achieve just that.
One thing in advance: of course, good and varied catering, suitable premises and a perfect organisational process for the event play an immensely important role. But what else needs to be considered? In terms of content and didactics?
Here are a few tips for a successful event with an impact:
A short inspiring opening keynote, well visualised and motivationally delivered, is an excellent way to introduce the topic of the event
Provide a positive learning atmosphere and space for exchange and encounter. Learning can and should be fun: Research results by scientist Barbara Fredrickson show that when parts of the brain are activated by positive emotions, much more creative solutions to problems and issues are also found. And this leads to an upward spiral for engagement, pleasant feelings and joy in doing.
Attention should be paid to a good mix of lecture topics. In the case of "heavy, critical" topics, which e.g. point out grievances, it is important to also have something loosening up in between or to illuminate the topics from the other side with a change of perspective. And: always give enough space for exchange.
Knowing is good, acting is even better! Events should not only serve the acquisition of knowledge, but also establish the practical reference and even better: bring it into action. Be it through the first small actions already during the event or by defining clear objectives for each individual, which they can also follow up on themselves directly afterwards
As already mentioned: Personal exchange is the be-all and end-all. Especially after the long period of digital exchange, which only offers limited space for discussions and loose rounds of talks, the desire of many participants for direct and personal exchange is very high. Various methods such as World Café, Barcamp, Open Space, Marketplace, station discussions, small group work etc. loosen up frontal lectures
The evening is also part of it! After the conference day, offer your participants the opportunity to explore your surroundings and move around. There are countless ways to do this
Make sure the event is well documented. Provide your audience with a comprehensive conference documentation with all presentations and results afterwards
Get feedback! Ask what your audience liked and where there is room for improvement - be grateful for every hint and express your appreciation
Praise and thank everyone who made your event possible. Also show your audience the hardworking hands behind the scenes and away from the spotlight
Create places of exchange and enable like-minded people to find each other: through theme tables, corners and rooms, but also recognition features such as buttons, different coloured name badges etc.
Orientate yourself to successful events that break new ground and try out innovative formats - let yourself be inspired and advised
Think about our planet as well: Pay attention to sustainability in materials, culinary supplies and equipment
And: Often a wonderful conference experience also begins with very small things - we have compiled a few of them in our article on microadventures - be curious.