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Mission ESG - Green Team founded at Bellevue
- MICE news
ESG: a joint journey
Podcast recommendation: topcast #22 from TOP Magazin Dresden
In November, the Bellevue team received a visit from the editorial team of TOP Magazin Dresden. After a joint morning run with the hotel's running concierges, they picked up on some examples of how the Bilderberg Bellevue Hotel Dresden team acts sustainably, socially and responsibly in the following interview: from the energy-efficient building refurbishment to specially trained e-mobility experts for the guests, the in-house production of bee honey, the planned photovoltaic system on the roof to the WIR VOM BELLEVUE spirit that gives the necessary "push" to implement all these measures.
The interview was conducted by Sebastian Klink, General Manager, Ellen Sattler, Director of Sales, & Rocky Zimmer, Director of Convention Sales.