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Bellevue thinks Green: Sustainable commitment under its own brand

Under the brand "Bellevue thinks Green", the Bilderberg Bellevue Hotel Dresden will in future unite and communicate all measures within the scope of its sustainable commitment. Visually and in terms of recognisability, a separate logo was created for the brand.
"It is clearly noticeable that guests are placing more and more value on sustainable travel, and that hotels without commitment in this area are no longer even considered. It is close to our hearts to meet this need. Here, we rely on transparent & stringent communication, which is based on the implementation of concrete measures with a salary."
(Sebastian Klink, General Manager, Bilderberg Bellevue Hotel Dresden)
Saving energy as well as conserving resources and the environment have been part of the daily business at the Bilderberg Bellevue Hotel Dresden for several years. This hotel has already set many things in motion in recent years. In addition to the bees on the roof, the conversion of halogen lamps to LEDs, the founding of a Green Team and the commitment to the expansion of electric mobility in the city, it is also the simplest things that help. Current major projects include the renovation of the flat roofs with new insulation. "This is necessary before we have our new photovoltaic system installed starting in spring," Klink explains. It will save more than 182,000 kg of CO2 per year, and 92 per cent of the electricity generated will be used directly in the hotel. After all, there are some areas in the largest city centre hotel that require a lot of electricity, such as the lifts, the hot-air ovens in the kitchen and the air conditioning. "Likewise, our hotel pool is one of them," adds the general manager. "Acting sustainably also involves rethinking and questioning. Three examples: Even just lowering the temperature of the pool water by one degree really has a significant impact on consumption. Does it matter if the shower head has a lower water flow per minute? Does a towel really need to be changed every day? So if we implement such measures, it is important to communicate this to the guests as well and to explain the background. By means of conversations and the logo 'Bellevue thinks Green', we clearly create more understanding."
Bellevue employees are on board
The Bellevue employees also pull together when it comes to sustainability and saving energy. "Nobody leaves the office any more without looking at the heating regulator first," confirms Klink. "Are the lights and heating off, are the doors closed? Small stickers on the door remind us of this. The night shift and our meeting concierge also pay attention to one or two more rounds to see whether lights are still on unnecessarily in the function rooms or the heating is set to 5."
Not infrequently, one or the other employee also agrees to be a test person. For example, in the case of the shower heads with a lower water flow. Before this was implemented in the rooms, the Bellevue staff personally tested them themselves at home. That's what I call commitment," says Klink with a smile.
The fact that this topic affects every department and every area in the hotel without exception makes it clear once again that the concept of a sustainability officer is outdated in a business of this size, Sebastian Klink points out. At the Bellevue, an entire Green Team is therefore working on the sustainability mission.
An overall view of the topic of sustainability and the commitment can be found on a separate landing page: www.bilderberg-bellevue-dresden.de/thinks-green

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