© Tobias Ritz

Experts for the good life

Psychotherapist Andrea Horn and cultural scientist Saskia Rudolph are experts on the good life, mental health and life satisfaction. With their company, Spiegelneuronen (Mirror Neurons), they are dedicated to positive psychology - a still quite young science that explores what makes life worth living.

They communicate all their findings in a scientifically sound, vivid and ready-to-use manner in numerous lectures, workshops and projects for a wide variety of target groups.

Where does one get the idea to dedicate oneself professionally and scientifically to all these topics? Shouldn't we be looking at all the problems and the negative things that make up our world right now?

The fact that we are concerned with what makes a good life and how each individual and society as a whole can remain psychologically healthy and satisfied for as long as possible doesn't mean that we don't see the negative things or push them away. On the contrary: we live in times of upheaval, complex challenges and uncertainty, which makes it all the more important to take good care of ourselves and others. And how this can be achieved is being researched scientifically in Positive Psychology, with ever new studies. We then translate all the findings into concrete recommendations for action for the target groups we work with.

That sounds absolutely understandable! Who are you on the road for, for example? Will you give us an insight behind the scenes?

Of course!  Our day-to-day work is incredibly diverse. There is actually no such thing as "everyday life".

For example, a "typical" mirror neuron week begins with a workshop of several hours by Saskia on the topic of "Positive Leadership and Healthy Working" for the managers of a large company, while at the same time Andrea is in the office writing texts and the concept for a campaign on mental well-being for people with chronic illnesses.

While Saskia travels back from her workshop the next day - and already makes new appointments, Andrea spends the day in her psychotherapy practice in Bischofswerda and is there for her patients.

Wednesday is then often marked by exchange. We are part of a large network and support various actors from business, politics, health and social services with our expertise - both locally and digitally.

We also prepare for upcoming conferences and congresses, for example, where we are booked as keynote speakers.

After another psychotherapy practice day for Andrea and back office for Saskia, we often travel together again at the end of the week. Especially at large congresses and conferences with several lectures and workshops, we often travel as a team, often with additional colleagues, in order to be able to realise a varied offer. And of course, as congress participants, to gather new insights on various topics.

The weekend then usually belongs to our private lives, but sometimes we also organise incentives, offsites or team-building events, where we sometimes go hiking or teach the topics of mental health, resilience or healthy leadership in other rather unusual formats. And then a new week begins - during which we are either on the road a lot again, or quietly writing texts for various (trade) magazines, media or campaigns.

That sounds like really varied and creative work  - does it also make you a happier person yourself?

Let's put it this way: we definitely have the necessary tools. And through the constant repetition of the contents, we naturally also reflect much more intensively on what makes our lives worth living and what really matters. In our private and professional lives. But of course - we also have really gloomy days. But those are just as much a part of life - and are also important!

Now, of course, we are quite curious about what exactly constitutes a good life - and how we can arm ourselves against crises and stay psychologically healthy for a long time. Will you take us into the world of positive psychology and into the question of how we can design conferences and events in this sign as well?

Well, we'd love to, how about some exciting insights in the coming weeks and months? We can think about what could be particularly interesting. We're sure to come up with good things 😊

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